How Do I Become a Freelance Writer?

by Sarah on December 29, 2015


How Do I Become a Freelance Writer? Part 2: The Best Place To Start


If you read my previous article, “How do I become a freelance writer?” Part I, you know by now that I urge you to bypass magazines and shoot right for business writing as your freelance business.


The magazine market has always been a buyer’s market.  And even more so now, that the economy has caused many a magazine to fold.


But businesses are even more eager than ever to find good writers to help them market their products and communicate with their clients and customers.  Now, more than ever, businesses need to market effectively in order to survive . . . and that’s where you come in.


You may not think of yourself as an expert in sales writing (or copywriting, as it’s known in the business). . . but you can be.


Enter American Writers and Artists Incorporated (AWAI).  AWAI is a home-study school devoted to teaching the art of copywriting and to helping freelance copywriters build strong, flourishing businesses.


It was started by some of the best copywriters in the business, individuals who make high six-figure incomes each year because they know how to use writing to help businesses thrive.


Each of AWAI’s courses are created by people who have been in the trenches, have developed an expertise in how to write hard-working sales copy, and – most importantly – know how to teach this skill.


This is no get-rich quick scheme (although some ambitious students move quickly into building income-generating businesses).  Like any business, you need to develop your skills so you have a service to sell, and then build your business through effective marketing.


But if you are diligent, you can have a solid-income generating business as a freelance writer within a year.  Within a couple years of starting out, I had a steady stream of clients.  And even today, with the recession, my business is growing steadily.


Start with AWAI’s introductory course, The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting.  This will give you all you need to get started working as a freelance copywriter.   I highly recommend following this with the Master’s Program for Six-Figure Copywriting.  


Then build your business using the guidelines of AWAI’s Freelance Writing Success in a Box which gives step by step instructions for everything from setting up your office, to marketing, to accounting.


Finally, move your writing business to another level by developing a niche.  By having a niche, you become an expert – better able to serve your clients and, as a consequence, a more in-demand writer.


I targeted the health market, specifically the natural health market. And this market is surely a recession-proof market. AWAI’s Secrets of Writing for the Health Market will give you specific skills and understanding for writing for health companies.


My e-book, Writing Irresistible Copy for Nutritional Supplements will give you insights on how to write for supplement companies.  And Pam Magnuson’s course,What Can You Say When You Can’t Say Anything will help you understand the FDA restrictions on supplement sales copy and how to write effectively within them.


So if you’re asking yourself, “How can I become a freelance writer?” answer the question right now by starting one of these courses.  Each course is structured to easily pay for itself within a few months.  And all of them can be found on at on mycopywriting course resource page



Wishing you the best of success!


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